Legal documentation Tec cables

Confidentiality :

TEC CABLES does not retain personal data that could be used for identification purposes, with the exception of forms that users are free to fill in. This data will not be used without your agreement; we will only use it for contact purposes by sending you letters, brochures, quotations or by other means.

Data gathered on websites is protected by the French Data Protection and Civil Liberties Act no 78-17 of 6 January 1978. You have the right to access, correct, block onward transmission and delete this data on request to TEC CABLES , 282, Chemin d’Eternaz, FR-01960 PERONNAS.

TEC CABLES may carry out statistical analyses provided the data is not personally identifiable and may report their findings to third parties (website traffic consultants) in summarised and non-identifiable form.

Use of Cookies :

The use of cookies is required for order administration. Non-personal data is recorded by this cookies system (text files used to recognize users and thus simplify their navigation on the site). Cookies have no meaning outside their use on the

Hypertext Links :

TEC CABLES has no control over websites or pages linked to its own site and thus cannot be held liable for the content published therein. Following links to these sites shall be entirely at your own risk and you must observe their terms of use.

Publisher :

Siège : 282, Chemin d’Eternaz,
N° de téléphone : +33 (0)

Conceptor :

Agence Arkanite
5, rue de la Claire, 69009 Lyon
N° de téléphone : 06 32 08 65 09


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